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Fund Flow Monitor

类型:投资策略  机构:京华山一国际(香港)有限公司   研究员:京华山一国际研究所  日期:2015-04-09
http://www.zdcj.net      点击收藏此报告

Weekly recap:

    HK market trended higher before long holiday. Fuelled by the A-share rally, Hang Seng Index eventually penetrated 25,200 before the long holiday break, with HSI and HSCEI up 3.2% and 6.2% week on week. While broad market fund inflow surged 56.6%, sectors in the strong zone increased to 7 from 3, with brokerage securities recording 2.6% and 6.0% increase in market cap and fund inflow amid favorable market environment. Sectors in the overvalue zone decreased to 3 from 4, and those in the weak zone decreased to 1 from 5.Heavy-weighted overseas insurance sector entered into the weak zone amid fund outflow. The bullish sectors for the week include:

    i) Air transport, ii) Oil & gas equipment, iii) Securities brokerages, iv) Sewage & waste treatment, v) Alternative energy, vi) Infrastructure, and vii) Securities exchanges.

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