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Security Software Preview:Thoughts into March Quarter Earnings-Security Spending Remains a Top Prior

类型:投资策略  机构:野村国际(香港)有限公司   研究员:野村国际(香港)研究所  日期:2016-04-22
http://www.zdcj.net      点击收藏此报告

Bullish on Secular Trend, but May See Volatility in Results this Quarter

    While across IT security and software there have been several data points that have pointed to a weaker selling environment in 1Q (weak CIO and reseller surveys as well as Juniper Networks and SAP’s negative preannouncements), we remain positive on the Security theme as it remains the Top priority among CIOs we speak with.

    Given i) 1Q is a seasonally weaker quarter and ii) the IT selling environment seems less robust than in prior quarters, we would expect to see some volatility in results in 1Q’16 but no overall change to our positive secular thesis on the Security Software space.

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