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Asia SMID Ideas:Movers and shakers

类型:投资策略  机构:摩根大通证券(亚太)有限公司   研究员:摩根大通(亚太)研究所  日期:2016-11-21
http://www.zdcj.net      点击收藏此报告

We highlight key ideas within our Asian SMID coverage universe in thisreport, combining extracts from our new quant screens, company visitsand emerging thematic reports. After a pullback pre-US election, we areseeing rising interest in SMID-Caps that have strong 2H16 profits and canbenefit from more stimuli in the US. Strong SMID areas include materialprocessors in China and Indian property, whilst airlines and textiles areseeing rising risks. Small caps have fallen by 4.3% in Asia, outperformingthe overall market by 1.3% over the past month (MSCI AxJ small vsMSCI AxJ).

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