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China CYTS Tours Alert:Upcoming Wuzhen ticket price hike

类型:公司研究  机构:德意志银行   研究员:Tallan Zhou,Karen Tang  日期:2017-01-06
http://www.zdcj.net      点击收藏此报告

What’s new? Wuzhen’s ticket price hike in 2017

    At the end of 2016, CYTS announced Wuzhen’s ticket price hike proposal in2017. After the public hearing by local government, CYTS disclosed that EastGate’s ticket price will be adjusted from RMB100 to RMB120, an increase of20%.

    West Gate’s ticket price will be adjusted from RMB120 to RMB150, anincrease of 25%. However, such uncertain price hike is still subject togovernment approval. The combo ticket price hike has not yet been disclosed,we think it will likely be adjusted from RMB150 to around RMB230, as performer price hike proposal in 2015.

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